
Zoom on Steroids

Take Zoom to another level with add-ons.
Leverage your event while sticking to Zoom.
Zoom has some limitation that won't allow you to do everything you wish.
Use this bundle when you don't want to invest time, energy and cash in a new tool.

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Newbie Friendly

Perfect if you're "no tech" and don't know where to start at all.
Easily jump into online event ASAP.
Limited Features and interaction.
Let's see that !

Sponsorship Activation

Everything you need to make your sponsors happy with great activations.
Generate a better ROI for sponsors while creating value for your audience.
Need to plug different solutions together to increase the impact.
Let's see that !

When you're on a budget

Everything you need without a big investment.
Operate under $500 investment
Limited functionalities
Let's see that !